Saturday, June 28, 2008

Welcome to my new blog!

Welcome to the new blog for Explore Truth Ministries!

This blog is designed to keep everyone up to date on the progress of my new ministry. Explore Truth Ministries is a new organization designed to equip churches both inside and outside the U.S. in building apologetic disciples. The word "apologetic" comes from the Greek word that means to give a well thought through defense. In other words, to contend or take a stand for something. Therefore, an apologetic disciple is one who lives a life that contends for the Christian faith. It is a life that is lived in such a way that the truth of the Christian faith is clearly demonstrated in every aspect of it. It involves demonstrating the truth by the way one lives.

In the coming weeks, I will be sharing with you some key thoughts on what it means to live a life that demonstrates the truth of the Christian faith. Stay tuned. There is much yet to come. In the meantime, visit the ETM website,

Dr. Richard Tompkins

1 comment: said...

WOWWW!!! What a site and for me to be the first to post, I am thrilled for you and your new ministry. As a long time friend, what has it been, almost 30 years, I am so glad to see how the Lord is and I know will continue to work for so much good for so many in your new efforts.
God Bless you Richard and let's talk soon!